請求幫忙寫Reference Letter

2015-05-21 3:42 am
想去搵新工 打電話去問先知要工作證明 上網查 原來有工作證明同推薦信會比較容易搵到啱心水噶工

問左老闆 老闆叫我自己打Reference Letter然後比距簽名

因為從來未打過Reference Letter 唔知點打

讚賞噶說話我都唔知點寫好 不過老闆對我工作表現非常滿意 仲讚我喺距左右手添 嘻嘻~如果唔系因為結業 我真喺唔捨得離開公司

請問可否幫我打一份中文噶Reference Letter 應該可以當做工作證明同推薦信2合1掛?

本人從事韓國時裝行業 職位喺senior sales 2012年9月16日入職-2015年4月28日離職

我只識提供呢D資料 麻煩幫我草議一份Reference Letter~麻煩曬!thx

回答 (2)

2015-05-30 11:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
Testimonial for Mr. xxxxx

To whom it may concerned

This is to certify that Mr. xxxxx had been working as senior salesman for promotion of Korean clothing in xxxxx Company since September 26th, 2012 tol April 28th, 2015 . As far as his character and ability being concerned, he is diligent, accountable, considerate, enthusiastic, honest, energetic, obedient, reliable, prompt and cooperative. In view of all these merits, I would like to recommend him for fitting a post of senior salesman.
Name and post
xxxxxx Company
參考: Myself and Dictionary
2015-05-21 4:41 am
在雅虎香港鍵入"工作推薦信範例 中文"就能找到.

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