去英國讀A Level! 求救!!

2015-05-21 2:14 am
Hi everyone, i would like to ask some questions about a level

My parents decided to send me to uk this coming september to attend the sixth form college. I have decided to take Chemistry, Economics, Maths and Further Maths for my a level.

I have never studied Economics in my Hong Kong school, neither do i have the basic concept of economics. Therefore i am now quite worried whether i could catch up the economic courses in AS.. cause I've heard some of the students there have already taken economics in their gcse and they have the basic knowledge, would it be a struggle for me? And some said that economics are quite hard, i am afraid it's hard for me to swallow ;/

Besides, as the school does not offer me a a place to study biology, my parents told me to take further maths. I'm really worried about it cuz everyone told me that further maths are extremely difficult and complicated like you would die if you take it.. I personally like maths a lot but i'm afraid further maths would mean AN EXTREME CHALLENGE for me..

Can anyone give me some advice and is it really THAT hard for both economics and further maths? I'm soo confused and anxious ... thanks

回答 (2)

2015-05-21 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) I've heard some of the students there have already taken economics in their gcse and they have the basic knowledge, would it be a struggle for me?

>> 唔會, 因為一黎唔係間間學校都有得讀econ(gcse 果陣), 所以好多人去到英國讀f.6 都係第一次接觸econ, 所以唔會話跟唔上定係點既, 如果真係跟唔上, 可以去甿下study guide 睇, 問下老師, 而唔係由得佢唔識既.

2) Can anyone give me some advice and is it really THAT hard for both economics and further maths?

>> 我係gce 果時只係讀左maths, 冇讀f. maths 但係身邊好人讀f. maths 都係話有少少難, 因為學既野同係hk 學既有少少唔同, 而且有好多數要計(有一d 係同physics 有關, 如mechanics, 亦有一d 係同stats 有關), cover左好多唔同類型既數... 所以呢個你要睇下你係唔係鍾意. 而亦要睇下你係大學想讀咩, 如果唔係讀一d 同engineering/science 有關既科, 其實係唔駛f maths 既.

>> 同時要睇下學校既中國人多唔多, 因為如果多既話, 佢地好多時都係揀f maths, 因為佢地學過, 所以會變左佢地好多都已經識做, 如果見到d 咁既情況, 唔識就要多問老師, 因為你唔問, 老師就會以為你同果d 同學一樣已經識哂.

p.s 如果呢2科唔係你想讀既科, 其實可以睇下果個block 仲有咩科可以揀既. 最緊要係讀得開心同埋係對你入大學有幫助.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2016-08-06 9:18 am
don't take further maths if u are not interested or not good at maths . I .can tell u that a level further is completely different with hk dse m1 m2

I have done a level in last year and I did maths further maths and chemistry. I would to choose physiotherapy for university but I couldn't , because I didn't do biology in a level, i am so regret to choose further maths

further maths is really hard for me, when I was doing A2 further maths , my maths teacher asked me to drop further maths, but I insisted.

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