Urgent, please help.

2015-05-20 9:18 pm
There is an Eng passage,
Please help commend the grammar used. That's all.
Please help.
Simon YAU.

回答 (1)

2015-05-20 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dear Simon,

I'll comment your speech:

Basic grammar or wording errors:
to be anguish [anguish(n)不能verb to be,另這句的文法是teaching quality...to be anguish,不是你想連的our next generation to be anguish] - 你要想想teaching quality怎樣,或者使用上句格式Observing student "suffering"...Observing teaching quality "deteriorating"...]
..., we decided to apply ...[全本都用WE]
Thus,the success of the students means not only toobtain good results in examinations, ...
I hopeeveryone can support us.
This is ideal!
Butwe dare to do it, without fear!
Kennethwas also a volunteer to teach as an accountingteacher
Therefore,we will go all out to provide the best of education for each student and to establish a good reputation.
We hope e-star edu not only ...[同上]

[最尾一句Isincerely hope 用I尚可作為"講者"第一身的結語,而非代表E-STAR EDU

Phrasing/expression/sentence structure:
Observing studentssuffering from abnormal education system, and observing the teaching quality ofprimary and secondary school our next generation to be anguish, so,

willeventually achieve "willing to learn, good communication and innovation, andthe courage to take up responsibility" through our teaching
[這"口號"你有創作自由,但要留意當中各種不同的文法句子/用詞格式,最重要留意主動詞是achieve甚麼,第一格用achieve willing to (錯的文法), 第二格的achieve good communication and achieve innovation(這兩noun東西都不會用achieve這動詞來表達),第三格用了achieve the courage to...[未聽過]。假如全用noun又配合那些noun的動詞習性則可能是
will eventually have "willingness to learn, good communication skills, innovation thoughts, the courage to be a responsible person".
will eventually be able to "learn, communicate, innovate, take responsibility" 也不錯的。

therebyleading to famouspublic praise.
這Phrase是否你自創的呢?其實有一個英文字已可取代你這三隻字: FAME. 但"成名"是你們"真心話"?

thateveryone can walka big forward while you are youthful with us.
Walk a big foward肯定是你自創吧?
take a leap
make big steps
spring ahead/forward

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