I might have offended my friend accidentally?

2015-05-20 7:54 am
So i have this friend who is African. And well, for this assignment i have to record this thing about racism. And in it, i made up a racist story and i used a name that is very similar to her name for the main character who was the victim of racist comment. I wasn't being racist to her or anything, but i just didn't think it was a problem. I was just doing it because thats the first name that came up to my mind. But when she saw it he was like oh why is my name there. And she didn't say anything like, are u being racist to me or something like that. But now that i think about it, maybe she had taken it seriously, and was offended by it?
What should i do? I don't want to bring it up again if she didn't care, but i don't want her to be upset about it secretly or something.
I know it is my fault as i was careless of what i said, but is it too late to do something now?

回答 (4)

2015-05-20 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Talk to her honestly about it. That's one of the main problems with racism. People don't discuss things civilly. Both sides just make assumptions and nothing gets solved. I posted a cartoon the other day about a woman who moved her purse so a black man could sit next to her to wait for the bus/train. She spent a good 5 panels arguing with herself about whether or not the black man would consider her racist until she just blew up on him at the end. He was just sitting quietly reading the newspaper, by the way.

Talk to her. Tell her what you meant and how you feel. If she's sensible she will listen.
2015-05-20 9:10 am
Explain to her it is for and tell her you will change the name if she felt offended.
2015-05-20 8:00 am
I think you're fine. Maybe she thought the story was about her. I would tell her exactly what you told us: "It was the first name that came to mind. It wasn't intentional but I hope you're not upset. I didn't mean to be offensive."
2015-05-20 7:57 am
No it's not too late to do something. Maybe you did offend her, maybe it wasn't that offensive, though, or maybe it was really offensive, or maybe it wasn't offensive at all! Who knows?

I think you should just tell her you didn't mean any offense by it or anything and just tell her the truth and that you've been thinking about it. Tell her what you told us.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:35:25
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