What should I do???

2015-05-19 9:15 pm
So I have a crush on this boy and he is very nice,he;s not excatly a friend of mine but whatever..So I need a GOOD first impression....

回答 (6)

2015-05-19 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The good thing about being a girl is that we know how to charm the opposite sex with our feminine side. Be sure to wear something nice do your hair and makeup and wear heels!!!! Walk up to him and say hi and talk about something you both have in common (they go nuts when they find a pretty girl that likes the same things as they do) smile alot and play with your hair!! Trust me it works; ) hope this helps goodluck!
2015-05-19 10:30 pm
Not sure
2015-05-19 9:29 pm
On Monday, ask how his weekend was. Then act interested and share a fun story about your weekend. Steer the conversation towards fun activities and then make your eyes light up and excitedly say "OMG! That sounds so cool. We should do that next weekend! Would you want to meet and do that activity Saturday afternoon?"

You now have a date with him and you didn't even directly ask him out. The date will be fun because you both like the activity.
2015-05-19 9:18 pm
Don't try impressing him just be yourself & start speaking to him.
2015-05-19 9:16 pm
Just go up and be CONFIDENT!!! Talk about you. If he likes you or is the right guy, he will listen.
2015-05-19 9:15 pm
Walk up, say hi, and flash your boobs.

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