In your opinion of course. Are women who live alone and have cats considered crazy?

2015-05-19 4:25 pm

回答 (11)

2015-05-19 4:41 pm
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These women are lonely so they put their attentions to their pets til the cats gonna multiply. These cat lovers who lives alone and don't do anything but pet cats are not crazy. If one of her cat dies and she can accept that and bury the cat properly, then no, she is not considered crazy. But if a lonely cat lover woman's cat die and she can't accept it, put the dead body of the cat in ziplock plastics then put it inside the freezer coz she loves them too much, then yes that is considered abnormal. She is crazy.
2015-05-19 4:30 pm
Shut up just because I have 2 cats and no friends or social life doesn't mean I'm crazy
2015-05-19 4:29 pm
Perhaps, but there's nothing wrong with being crazy....
2015-05-19 4:26 pm
Only on "The Simpsons".
2015-05-19 4:25 pm
No. That's the sanest thing I heard all day. I love cats.
2015-05-19 4:33 pm
many of them are
2015-05-19 4:26 pm
Yes and no...Depending on that woman and her stability. I know quite a few femme fatale who have too many cats and are living in unsanitary conditions !!!
2017-02-19 11:31 am
This is the funniest question
2015-05-19 9:42 pm
No, not at all. I mean, I'm sure some are, but not all.
2015-05-19 4:37 pm
That's my fav
2015-05-19 4:36 pm
No..not in my world nor anyone that I know either.~ Perhaps so,by the narrow minded and the labelers in this this world who have not anything better to do then to finger point and judge the lives and joys of other people ..who in all reality could care less of you..and your negative issues . ~*
2015-05-19 4:32 pm

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