Is my girlfriend pregnant?

2015-05-19 1:20 pm
The past 2 months she has missed 2 of her birth control pills, but was fine. This month, she has taken all of them and her period hasn't come yet. It was supposed to start Monday and she saw just a little bit of blood Monday night, but nothing this morning (Tuesday). She said there usually isn't anything in the mornings if it is a light period. I'm hoping it's just going to be really light where she's taken all the pills this month. Please tell me that's it.

回答 (3)

2015-05-19 1:29 pm
Her period isn't even one day late. If her period was expected on Monday, it's not one day late until Wednesday. So I wouldnt count it as late until Wednesday.
I think you are both getting worked up over nothing.
2015-05-19 2:02 pm
2015-05-19 1:27 pm
no she can be pregnant. If your on the pill its likely to get the period although you are pregnant. so even if she gets her period now she can still be pregnant because the period a girl has when on the pill is chemically induced and not caused by the bodies normal reaction. she should get a pregnancy test and use it right in the morning when the urine is most concentratet. good luck!

and yes missing even just one pill can set ovulation in motion! SO SHE IS NOT FINE IF SHE MISSES A PILL! If I were you I'd use condoms. clearly that girl is not responsible enough to be having sex so if you dont wanna have a baby- take over the contraception!
參考: medical student

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:51:45
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