does smoking usually do this?

2015-05-19 10:45 am
I have started smoking recently due to a lot of stress. I can't eat anything. when I do try to make myself eat everything tastes like mush and I can't do anything but spit it out. I'm never hungry anymore.

回答 (7)

2015-05-20 4:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Smoking kills appetite and numbs your taste buds. Smoking and junk food are a marriage made in hell which is why the lobby groups who work for the tobacco industry also help promote junk food. Eating healthily is a big help when you are quitting smoking. Junk food lacks key vitamins and minerals so if you eat it a lot, your body is continually craving more sweet, salty, greasy stuff. Cigarettes kill the food cravings, but you are messing yourself up physically and mentally.

In my experience (sanctimonious ex smoker), smoking appears to relieve stress in the short term but increases it in the long term. Smokers get angry and stressed very easily by trivial things. They get more and more irritable and depressed the longer they go without a cigarette.

My advice is to go camping for a week by yourself, somewhere where you can neither buy cigarettes or fall out with friends or loved ones. Somewhere where you can relax and/or scream at the top of your lungs if you want to. Take plenty of good healthy food with you (Brown rice, bulgar wheat, buckwheat, lentils for sprouting, sea salt, dried vegetables, a little dried fish or beef jerky are good) you can often find wild food like nettles. Go cold turkey, exercise and meditate. As you haven't been smoking long it will be much easier to quit now than it will be if you keep smoking long term. Nicotene is highly addictive and no fun whatsoever. There is no good reason to smoke. Also the break may help relieve the stress which caused you to smoke in the first place.
2015-05-19 1:44 pm
Smoking smells and can cover or mask other problem such as not wanting to eat. Stress is not going away because you drag a cig. Find the root or go ahead and add smoking to your list of problems.
2015-05-19 11:00 am
yes please stop smoking. The toxic is damaging your taste buds.
2016-03-09 11:46 am
I smoke Marijuana only. Im a Herbsman Most people in the UK smoke Marijuana and Tobacco mixed together (disgusting) A high number of the population smoke Tobacco, those who can afford it buy cigarettes those who are hit by the recession buy rolling tobacco. Thats about it for all people smoke. Most people seem to be sniffing Mcat all day long now adays.
2015-05-19 11:13 am
Smoking does reduce your appetite but I can taste stuff fine
參考: Been smoking for years
2015-05-19 11:10 am
Nicotine reduces apetite that's why. Some smokers gain weight when they stop smoking.
2015-05-19 10:47 am
well i've never seen it mentioned that way, but I have been told by people who quit, that things started tasting amazing after about a week. so yeah it would

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