
2015-05-20 4:02 am
我是畫插畫/繪本的,詳細情況是一位寫文的好友寫了一篇故事給我畫出來,在本子的尾段會預留幾頁放她的文章,那麼說我該算是主力的,因此打算在封面放上(我的名字) feat.(好友名字)

回答 (2)

2015-05-20 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

At bottom corner LHS;put:-
brilliant feats of (your name)
perform feats of valour (her name)

2015-05-20 00:35:01 補充:
proposed amendment on LHS:--In collaboration with
----in art----------(your name)
----in literature----(her name)

2015-05-20 12:11:34 補充:
The amendment on LHS:----Always acknowledge promptly:-
A two-feature of a
prominent article
on subject (xxxx)featuring (her name) for writing,
(your name) for art.

2015-05-26 14:02:38 補充:
proposed amendment:-Read on to find out about the unusual features of the story&(her name),her featured-articles at end LHS with (your name) as illustrator in collaboration.
2015-05-20 4:40 am
You are the collaborator.
The work is highly creative.
It is no mean feat!

2015-05-20 05:17:34 補充:
To 發問者:

你所講的 feat. 是個縮寫, 尾部有句點.全個字是 featuring
88 當 feat 解釋, gibberish!
feat. 使用在歌曲, 但可以用在 film, show 上

Just a suggestion,
你可在 acknowledgement (感謝)上寫,
text written by "好友的名字" 來 show your appreciation
我不是熟悉人士, 不敢自作聰明, 只有在意見欄表達
Is your friend a frequent guest writer?

2015-05-23 00:10:08 補充:

It is not an amendment,
You lack the courage to acknowledge your costly mistake.

第二次你所謂的 "amendment", 英文仍然是錯

2015-05-26 08:38:49 補充:

acknowledge ~ transitive verb takes an object
two-feature ~ wrong
prominent ~ wrong adjective
通常形容人, 凸出的 (nose/chin), 顯眼的 (position) 重要的 (role)
featuring 使用錯

If you don't know any English used in this field (+ poor grammar), don't try to be smart.
You do 發問者 a disservice.

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