can nuclear weapons be disarmed?

2015-05-17 9:23 pm
for example if one fires his missiles
against another suddenly can the other one disarm them in any way

回答 (5)

2015-05-17 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
we are not open to that kind of information we can only guess but if you can make a weapon you would naturally have a defence against it one would think be stupid not to wouldn't it and you wouldn't broadcast it
2015-05-17 9:44 pm
It's best to disarm them before the nuclear weapons are fired.
2015-05-17 9:43 pm
destroyed, yes. disarmed? no chance afaik
2015-05-17 9:29 pm
2015-05-17 9:24 pm
Interception is the only bet.

The Star Wars program for example, even if it doesn't do what we said it did back then but it was an interception system.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:51:09
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