Block Pancreatic duct

2015-05-18 12:04 am
Which of the following may be the immediate effect if the pancreatic duct is
blocked ?

a. The pancreas cannot secrete glucagon
b. PH of the food in the small intestine will increase
c. The digestion of the protein in the small intestine will be less effective
d. The absorption of the digested food in the small intestine will be less effective

My Ans: C

Is it correct ?


回答 (1)

2015-05-20 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is correct.
a is wrong because although the pancreatic duct is blocked, the pancreas' function is independent. It can still secrete glucagon(which can raises the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream).
b is wrong because hydrogencarbonate cant be transport efficiently to the duodenum, the pH value is decreases as the food tends to be acidic.
d. is wrong. Although the theory is correct but it isnt immediate effect.
c is correct because pancreatic juice is blocked in the pancreatic duct,pancreatic proteases is lacked for the digestion of proteins in duodenum and small intestine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 20:13:21
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