iPhone screen?

2015-05-16 3:09 pm

I dropped my iPhone 5c a few months ago. It was working fine. I dropped it again today and pieces of the screen were falling out. It was working fine though! Out of no where, there was these colorful vertical lines on my screen and now the screen is totally unresponsive. It isnt dead and im still receiving messages. Can i just replace the screen or is my phone no good?

回答 (2)

2015-05-16 4:26 pm
You can fix it, but if you're not comfortable working with small screws, heat gun, and delicate components, then you shouldn't try the repair yourself.

You can take it to Apple, but their warranty doesn't cover broken screens, so you'll be paying at least $150-$200 to replace it.

You can also take it to a cellphone repair shop that's much cheaper than Apple, but you'll still be paying around $60-$80+
2015-05-16 3:21 pm
It depends where it's cracked. Bring it to the Apple Store. If it will be fine to work they will replace the screen (it does cost).

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:28:08
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