
2015-05-17 2:15 am
1) Peter to keep follow the temporary installation arrangement and the location of lift panel.
i) 將 to 放在主詞後是根據甚麼原則
ii) keep 是動詞,後面為何會接同是動詞的 follow?

2) To review with ABC company for the arrangement of lighting.
i) To review with ABC 是不定詞,能作noun,但整句也祇由S+V+O組成

3) 在take minutes中,action by一欄中寫上reminder是甚麼意思?

4) 補語Complement與狀語Adverbial的分別

5) 甚麼是謂語predicative?

回答 (3)

2015-05-17 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
The response:-
(1)Peter 'to keep a follow (noun) of"
="to infin" used as adj qualifying Peter (subj)

(2)"To review with ABC
=consisting of a "to infinitive"used as the arbitrary phrase
=s +v +o have not yet seen ;
=subject meets the challenge of objects.

(3) reminder=you have forgotten the name ,or a note to inform somebody that he has not yet done properly

(4)complement:-is phrase,adj or n.used after linking verbs be and become, to describe the subject of the verb, governed by the verb, comes after the verb, in a sentence.eg:-I am shocked----refering break down.
He became a lift-repairer-------refering fall off

=adverbial particle is an adverb used after a verb to show position,direction of movement,etc in the lift break down and lift falls off----down and off are all adverbial particles.

(5)predicative=adj of an adjetive, coming after a verb such as be, become, get, seem, look, In predicative,try read predicate n. is a part of a sentence containing a verb that makes a statement about the subject of the verb , such as break down in "He had a nervous break down".fall off in" He had a "fall off" experience in the fallen lift !"

(6)as agree----by oral agreement first;
am writing because----by writing to confirm later as in HK Govt. documents delivery----date---From---To----remarks---Sign---by spoken---by written.

2015-05-17 08:09:07 補充:
proposed amendment to a rule:-(1)keep following(a present participle as complement).(6)I was expected to start on Nov.5--(main cl.),as agreed (&) by written confirmation.--(adv.cl.of reason,cause,&condition).The change proposed.

2015-05-17 10:07:43 補充:
(3) I agreed, I, therefore (=adv for that reason), am writing.
(2)adv phr-After that accident,he has a fear for taking the lift.To save energy,the lift is stopped AdCl:When the lift fell,he was trappedHe ran madly, as if he were trapped.
(1)Since he was hurt,he could not work
2015-05-19 7:45 am

predicative (adj.) - relating to the predicate of a sentence.

The term is particularly used in the classification of adjectives. (contrasted with "attrivutive")
Most adjectives can be used in attrivutive and predicative positions.

2015-05-18 23:51:54 補充:
a fine day ~ fine 是 attrivutive adjective
the day was fine ~ 是 predicative adjective

predicative-only adjectives 有 afraid, alone....etc
The boy is alone. 不能說 an alone boy
因為 alone 不能作 attributive adjective, alone 是 predicative adjective
alone 可作 adverb ,例子 He lives alone.

2015-05-19 00:42:39 補充:
Complement is a word, phrase or clause that, when following a verb, completes or enhances the meaning and syntactic structure of a sentence.
He appears (confused). - word
She is (a good teacher).- phrase
They appointed him (interim mayor.) - phrase
We are pleased (that you could come).- clause

2015-05-19 00:58:04 補充:
Adverbial - a structure functioning as an adverb.包括 an adverb, adverbial phrase, adverbial clause.
He walks (slowly).- an adverb
You apologize (too much) - adv. phrase
(Although he is alone), he is never lonely. - adv. clause

Complement 必須有才完成句子, Adverbial 可有可無

2015-05-19 08:04:31 補充:
Typo error
attrivutive ~ wrong
It should be "attributive"

2015-05-19 09:04:10 補充:
I find Orwell's novels thought-provoking.
"thought-proboking" 是 adjective,
因為形容個 object (Orwell's novels),. 是 object complement

They find BB an idiot..
"an idiot" .是 noun phrase, It refers to the object (BB)
BB 和 an idiot 是同一個人
"an idiot" 是 object complement

2015-05-19 10:38:02 補充:
"therefore am"

“No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.”
- .W.Shakespeare, Richard III

Edward Kennedy wrote:
I therefore am writing to urge you to work together to amend the law through the normal legislative process ..."

2015-05-19 19:26:16 補充:
Revised sentence
They always find BB an idiot.
"an idiot" 是 object complement

They find BB a wife,
"a wife" 在這句子不是 object complement

2015-05-19 19:51:09 補充:
正如 Dunview 言及, 你的第一句子, 第二句子不是 complete sentence, 全沒有 main verb

To review with ABC company for the arrangement of lighting is a waste of time.
"To review with ABC company .....of lighting" ~ Infinitive phrase 可作 subject

2015-05-19 20:14:28 補充:

Duncan has expressed his view cogently.
We can take it as good guidelines.
His clear and concise writing graces Yahoo 知識網

2015-05-27 20:04:25 補充:
說句公道話, 回答問題真要抱著幫人態度
People will appreciate what Duncans has done. Thanks.

Some of the voters are totally blind to the grammatical mistakes made by TOMING88 .
They don't care. 投同情票?
選做最佳解答? You must be kidding!
2015-05-17 8:44 am
1) Peter to keep follow the temporary installation arrangement and the location of lift panel.

This is not a complete sentence, but a broken sentence with the main verb "is/are" removed to express an action plan.

~ Someone to do something = Someone "is" to do something.

From Longman dictionary:
"be to do something" (auxiliary verb)
~ used to talk about arrangements for the future, or to give an order or an advice to someone.

"keep" is an intransitive verb here, meaning "continue". It cannot take an infinitive (to-infinitive or bare infinitive) but a present participle as complement.
e.g. keep (on) doing something

"keep follow" is wrong and it should be "keep following" or "keep on following".

2) To review with ABC company for the arrangement of lighting.
Same as (1), it is a broken sentence to express action plan.
~ we are to review; or you are to review ...

3) 在take minutes中,action by一欄中寫上reminder是甚麼意思?

"action by" = 由誰去執行這行動
"reminder" = 提醒物

I think it means "the person to take action" hasn't been decided yet but should be reminded to delegate a person in next meeting.

4) 補語Complement與狀語Adverbial的分別
Complement = something compulsory or obligatory (必須的) to complete the whole meaning of an expression'
Adverbial = a word (adverb) or a group of words (adverbial phrase or adverbial clause) that modifies or tells us additional information about the sentence or the verb. It is not compulsory in a sentence.

5) 甚麼是謂語predicative?

It is a term usually used to describe adjectives which come after the linking verbs.

6) I was expected to start on November 5, as agreed, and am writing because.

I don't think the sentence is correct. "because" can be used as a conjunction or preposition. When placed at the end of the sentence, it looks like an adverb.

To correct the grammar, we can use adverb "therefore" to replace because.
~ I was expected to start on November 5, as agree, and therefore am writing (to inform ...).

2015-05-17 02:54:22 補充:
~ I was expected to start on November 5, as agreed, and therefore am writing to inform you that ....

As agreed and by written confirmation, I was expected to start on November 5.

2015-05-17 15:55:15 補充:
主詞補語 subject complement 是接在連繫動詞之後的形容詞(predicative adjective)
或名詞(predicative nominal).

adverbial phrase::
~ I went to school "by bus". (介詞短語)
~ I went to school "last Friday". (時間名詞短語)

2015-05-17 16:12:29 補充:
and am writing because.
其實我不知道你想表達什麼意思?? 這句子是有錯!

and therefore I am writing to inform you that ....
因此,我寫信通知你 xxxxx

2015-05-17 16:19:56 補充:
adverbial clause:
~ I went to school "when I was five". (time)
~ I went to school "because I liked learning". (reason)
~ I went to school "so that I could learn". (purpose)

2015-05-18 11:43:04 補充:
受詞補語也是predictive adjective 及 predictive nominal ?

Object complement follows and modifies a direct object. It can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective. However, predictive adjective and predictive nominal (nominative) are terms only referring to subject complement.

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