Anyone have a really good recipe for Deviled Eggs?

2015-05-15 7:20 pm
(only serious answers please:)

回答 (7)

2016-07-11 10:46 pm
High Performance Tactical Flashlight :
2016-05-13 10:09 am
參考: Delicious Paleo Recipe Cookbook -
2015-05-17 1:04 am
Mix yolks, mayo, a bit of mustard and bit of garlic, salt and pepper.
I like to mix in a mixer, whip it. Then put into pastry bag with a flower tip to make eggs look fancy. Sprinkle with paprika, put a few slices of green onion for decoration.
2015-05-15 9:33 pm
I am a purest and always used the basic recipe, miracle whip or mayo, a little mustard, some pickle relish and salt. But one day I was out of regular mustard so just used a squirt of dijon mustard and couldn't believe the difference it made.
2015-05-15 7:45 pm
I think my recipe for deviled eggs is pretty good, since everyone likes them and asks me to make them. However, I do not think there is anything terribly different about them.

To Make 6 Deviled Eggs
First you hard-boil 6 eggs. Fill a sauce pan large enough to hold the eggs in a single layer with cold water, then gently place the eggs in the pot. You can add salt which will aid in sealing any cracks in the eggs, but does not make the water boil faster. Bring the water to a boil and let the eggs boil for one minute. Turn off the heat, cover the pot and let sit for 11-12 minutes. Now use a slotted spoon to remove the eggs and put them a bowl with cold water. Crack the wide part of the egg and peel off the shell under cold water.

As soon as you can handle the eggs, cut them in half and carefully remove the yolks to another bowl. A teaspoon often help in removing the yolks. Mash the yolk with a fork, then using a table spoon, press the yolk against the side of the bowl until they look smooth or pasty. Mix 1/4 cup of Hellmann's or Best Foods mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons drained Green India relish and salt and pepper to taste into the egg yolk. Fill the egg white halve with the egg yolk mixture using a teaspoon or a pastry bag if you want to be fancy. Garnish with a light sprinkling of paprika or for a bit of spice use Ancho or Chipotle chili powder. Smoked paprika is good too. If you care to change up the flavor, add chopped stuffed olives instead of the relish or smoked salmon with the relish.

Elroy is right about using slightly older eggs. The fresher the eggs, the harder they are to peel.
2015-05-15 7:44 pm

1 dozen large eggs
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons yellow mustard
3 dashes of Worcestershire sauce
Sweet paprika or pure ancho chile powder, for garnish

In a medium saucepan, cover the eggs with cold water and bring to a rolling boil. Cover, remove from the heat and let stand for 12 minutes.
Immediately drain the eggs and gently shake the pan to lightly crack the shells. Fill the pan with cold water and shake lightly to loosen the eggshells. Let stand until the eggs are cool.
Drain and peel the eggs; pat dry. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Carefully transfer the yolks to a mini processor. Add the mayonnaise, Dijon and yellow mustards and Worcestershire sauce and pulse until smooth and creamy; season with salt.
Using a pastry bag fitted with a star tip or a teaspoon, fill the egg whites with the yolk mixture. Arrange the eggs on a platter, garnish with paprika and serve.
OR TRY [ Smoky Deviled Eggs ;;e cubes
1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons crème fraîche
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
3 tablespoons finely chopped cornichons
2 tablespoons finely chopped red onion
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Freshly ground white pepper
1/2 teaspoon pimentón
e pan vigorously to crack the shells. Add ice cubes to the pan and let stand until the eggs are cool. Drain and peel the eggs.
Halve the eggs lengthwise. Gently remove the yolks and transfer them to a food processor. Add the crème fraîche and mayonnaise and process until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, stir in the cornichons and onion and season with salt, black pepper and white pepper.
Arrange the egg-white halves cut side up on a serving plate. Using a pastry bag fitted with a star tip or a teaspoon, fill the cavities with the yolk mixture. Sprinkle with the pimentón and serve.

Make Ahead
The deviled eggs can be refrigerated overnight. Sprinkle with pimentón just before serving.

or try;;;;;;;; Deviled Eggs with Shrimp and Radishes ;; 12 large eggs
1 tablespoon pure olive oil
2/3 pound medium shrimp, shelled and deveined
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup finely diced red radishes (about 4 large)
2 tablespoons minced parsley
2 teaspoons capers, chopped
1 medium shallot, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
Put the eggs in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, then simmer the eggs over low heat for 10 minutes; drain. Transfer the eggs to a large bowl of ice water to chill thoroughly, then peel. Cut the eggs in half lengthwise. Put the yolks in a bowl and mash lightly with a fork. Set the whites on a platter. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add the shrimp, season with salt and pepper and cook over moderately high heat, stirring, until opaque, about 3 minutes. Transfer the shrimp to a work surface and cut 12 of them in half lengthwise. Cut the remaining shrimp into 1/3-inch dice. Add the diced shrimp to the egg yolks. Add the mayonnaise, radishes, parsley, capers, shallot and garlic, season with salt and pepper and stir to blend. Mound a rounded tablespoon of the filling in each egg-white half and top with a shrimp half. Serve at room temperature or chilled. The filling and cooked egg whites can be refrigerated overnight. Stuff the eggs just before serving.
2015-05-15 7:35 pm
6 eggs
1/4 mayo
1 tsp. vinegar
1 tsp yellow mustard
Pepper and salt to taste
Paprika for garnish

Hard boil eggs and let cool under cold water. Peel eggs and cut in half, removing yolks carefully. In medium bowl, mash yolks and add mayo, vinegar, mustard, and salt and pepper and mix until smooth and creamy.

Dollop mix into each egg half and sprinkle with paprika. You can serve right away or store in air-tight container and chill.

Other variations:

-Use spicy mustard
-Instead of paprika, garnish with dill and a smoked salmon sliver
-Add finely chopped green onion to the mix
-Instead of regular salt, add garlic salt
-Add 1/2 tsp-1 tsp of chili powder to mix


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