Being ignored by LIBRA male...?

2015-05-15 12:07 pm
Everything was great at first with my libra man then it started ignoring/ disappearing...I love him but he questions my love for him..

Why is that?
Are all libra men like this?

Ps. I'm a Capricorn

回答 (12)

2015-05-15 1:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There is not a single other Libra man who is like YOUR Libra man.
This is because Libra is ONLY his Sun sign ... just one out of 10 planets, and the Sun's sign is only 1 out of 40-50 factors in his birthchart.
HIS astrology is indicated by his birthchart, and unless someone else was born at the exact same time and location as HE was, he has no astrological twin. He is unique.
You cannot use his Sun sign to understand him, but writers aren't going to tell you that because then they would loves their income.
And you cannot compare his Sun sign (Libra) with your Sun sign (Capricorn) to determine compatibility. That too is a commercial scam the writers push. If you want to use astrology to accurately determine compatibility, you have to look for any/all "synastry aspects" between his chart and yours. No other astrological technique is valid.
Unfortunately, no matter how good the synastry comparison is, unless both parties are emotionally mature, the relationship will fail. Astrology does NOT tell us how much a person has grown up emotionally. Astrology is only an influence and does not control us.

Love takes about 2 years of steady dating before it even BEGINS to grow.
What happens, at first, is the fantasy stage called "infatuation." Our brain pumps out chemicals that make us literally "high" over the other person, and what we call "love" is actually a "high", being in love with BEING in love, and a selfish attachment to how the other person makes us feel (love is not about selfish attachment).

So ....
yes, it IS good at first. But this is only a fantasy phase. And the infatuation lasts only from 2 days to 2 years, and then dies out.
It would appear that you made a few errors:
- You thought the infatuation phase was the reality of the situation.
- Your mistook the "great" of the infatuation as being the LASTING reality of how the relationship would be.
- HIs infatuation is dying out before yours is.
- What you have NOW is the reality.
- And one of those realities is that he has trouble trusting that anyone could love him (unconscious low self-esteem) ... and since trust is 65% of what makes a relationship work, the relationship is NOT going to work. We do not have the courage to trust another person's love if we do not love ourselves, fully and unconsciously. And there is nothing YOU can do to solve this problem for him.

As for love/attachment/sex/chemistry .. that is only 11% of what makes a relationship happy and lasting. It is your misfortune that you became attached to someone who doesn't have what it takes to make a relationship work. Love won't save it.
2015-05-16 2:43 am
trust me as a cap you will see how annoying libras are. you are better off without him
2015-05-15 1:03 pm
I know how you feel. I've been with my libra for about six months and he is now pulling this BS. Libras question everything, they can't help it. They can be huge baby's when things ourn't going their way. They pull disappearing acts when they are balancing their thoughts, someone new has come into the picture and they are smelling themselves or they are trying to punish you. The best advice I can give you is to give him that space and when he returns (they always do) listen to his reason. If he trys to play it off dump his A$$, if he acknowledges it and can give you an explanation decide on whats best for you. In the meanwhile there is this great ebook called "Who Holds The Cards Now" by Gregg Michaelsen. You should read this.
參考: Leo, speaking from experience
2016-03-08 9:16 pm
Sorry to burst every Libra's bubble but I find that Libras for the most part Narcissistic. Even how they love is all about them and what benefits them. They don't realize what/who they lose until you're gone for quite a while and life has kicked them in the teeth. By then it's too little too late and then they try passively aggressively to re-enter your life. No balls to come and deal with it directly because their egos are just way too important. Yeah and that's why those same Libras will never ever have an in again. They're irrelevant but I do have some satisfaction seeing them try so hard to find a way through other people to re-enter my life. Not gonna happen. You treetrunked up. I have learned these people are best on a shallow level - coworker, party friend and that's about it. Smart to a point but no real depth. And didn't you know they're always right even when they're wrong? Yup - Gemini men are very similar to them down to trying to re-enter someone's life. I love it. Karma
2015-05-15 10:50 pm
Sounds like he is trying to kill time for his indecisiveness. Let him be/go...make room for bigger and better things that wont have you questioning yourself or the relationship for that matter. You deserve better.
2015-05-15 12:12 pm

Sorry honey, that's just a person thing. It's not astrological.
2015-05-15 2:35 pm
Baby, I feel your pain, listen, I can heal your heart, all you need is a Cancer Man like myself, I'll kiss away the pain I promise.

Actually, you should provide more info about yourself, what's your date-of-birth and place-of-birth, because it's hard to analyze a person's emotional, romantic & sexual nature without composing a birth chart about them. So..if you give your DOB, POB, and maybe even time-of-birth, I can tell you in-depth, personal details about your love nature (what you need & want)

As far as answering the question based on the info you just gave - baby, Capricorn female & Libra male aren't compatible - they're completely polar opposites on the zodiac wheel. Those 2 signs couldn't be more contrary.

However baby, I'm here for you, I'm a Cancer Man, so it may be true that I'm your direct opposite - but we're both yin signs - we have more of a connection. Baby, hala@me, so I can kiss the pain away ASAP:)

Much love, good luck
2015-05-15 1:16 pm
Libras are very independent like all air signs:aquarius and gemini. They are supposedly the romantic sign. Keep busy and libra will come back.
2015-05-15 12:22 pm
you need to give libras CONSTANT reminders that you love & care for them. tell him often and show him often. libras are romantics. it also depends on the rest of their chart btw. if after that he's still distant, it's time to go.
參考: astrology IS personal
2015-08-06 8:52 pm
With libra Men they are independent and like space if he is ignoring you just let him have his space they like to be busy in that time go do something with libra they like to know they partner has something to do when they are away.
2015-05-17 7:15 pm
This is a Venus sign and all Venus signs and placements like flattery, admiration from the audience the wider audience. An Air sign so needs freedom.
2015-05-17 10:59 am
I've never been with a Libra guy and I never want to be. All of the ones I've met I am friends with but would never go out with as all they seem to do is play girls. This may not be the case, just from my experience 😊
參考: Pisces🌸

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