Boyfriend acting weird all of a sudden?

2015-05-15 11:46 am
My boyfriend is broke and needs new shoes but doesn't have the Budget or money for good ones. He's CRAZY about shoes.He bought a pair recently which aren't very good. I recently got an internship and told him the good news! He asked for a 'treat!'.
I said "sure"
But he said "not food, buy me a nice pair of shoes after your internship ends"
Im really really very confused. He's never done this...NEVER.
We've been dating for 6 months now, we're pretty close too. He's always been a gentleman but him insisting me on buying him shoes is weird! Leaving him over this would be an abrupt decision, please help me out! I said 'if i dont have that much till then, ill buy you lunch.' but he said 'no, lets buy eachother shoes, im buying you something on the same lines....'

we both got internships recently, i asked for lunch as treat! PS. 'treat' is a pretty common thing

回答 (4)

2015-05-15 12:13 pm
I'm amazed you're hung up on the shoes - I'd be hung up on the fact that YOU got yourself an internship, but he thinks HE deserves a 'treat'! Surely you should be rewarding yourself, not him - he didn't get the job, after all. To ask someone else to buy you something as a result of their good fortune is rude, and is the sort of behaviour you'd expect from someone who is using their partner. As if demanding you buy him something isn't bad enough, he then dictates exactly what it is you must buy him. I don't think it's abrupt that this behaviour is making you question your relationship - I think it's sensible. A lot of red flags should be waving at you right now, for controlling and manipulative behaviour, for using you, and for being down right rude.
2015-05-15 12:07 pm
Your boyfriend sounds like a lazy moron. Just being honest.

A mature and loving partner would express something more along the lines of "That's great, congratulations! I'd like to treat you to dinner or something to celebrate."

"Treats" are something to be given, not demanded.
2015-05-15 11:58 am
Just ask him why.
2015-05-15 11:50 am
I read that as - lets make a pact to buy each other something we each really like after the internships end

on a - we shall have something to look forward to down the line, kinda way
thats the way i see that, its a nice gesture

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