有Present Perfect Tense 問題一問

2015-05-16 4:16 am
我係2014年12月3日曾經聯絡過Tom ,但係Tom 宜家已經過左身,想問問宜家我講"I have contacted Tom." 有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-05-17 4:26 pm
"Tom 過左身"和 "我曾經聯絡過Tom" 是兩件分開的事
這兩件事發生在過去某一個時間, 都在過去某一個時間完結
離開現今一段時間, 有 time gap, 與現在是無關聯,
怎會使用 Present perfect?
Wrong concept: 以為已經做過,可用 present perfect,
忽視 present perfect 是 present tense
Julie 與 :Ling 已解釋清楚

2015-05-17 09:40:22 補充:
遺憾 TOMING88 多次用錯 Present perfect, Yahoo 知識網回答有記錄
"I have made no contact in Tom. "
知不知道用 Present perfect, 這句意思時間上含有 till now
用錯 preposition, 應用 with
I haven't made contact with Tom since he died on Decwmber 3, 2014. ???

2015-05-18 01:58:00 補充:
"Tom died on 3-12-2014". = Tom 在2014年12月3日死亡
"Hence:-There was no social contact between Tom and me".= 從此 Tom 和我之間沒有社交
"I have made no contact to Tom" = 我與 Tom 沒有接觸

I haven't made contact with Tom since he died on Dec3,2014.
= 自從 Tom 2014年12月3日死亡 , 我沒有聯絡過他

2015-05-18 02:11:29 補充:

你使用三個句子, 我只用一句, 多少有出入
你用 social contact = 社交 , 我只用 contact = 聯絡
發問者言及:"聯絡", 你誤解 social contact
你用了 "Hence" (= 因此,從此) 與用 Present perfect (until now)
難免人誤解, 好幾個讀者提過你的 writing,.他們看不明白
2015-05-17 1:19 am
I have contacted Tom =我曾經聯絡過TomI contacted Tom on 3 December =我係2014年12月3日曾經聯絡過TomI had contacted Tom before he died =我曾經聯絡過Tom ,但係Tom 宜家已經過左身or 我在tom 過身前,曾經聯絡過tom
2015-05-16 8:46 am
我係2014年12月3日曾經聯絡過Tom ,但係Tom 宜家已經過左身

There are two ways to say it:

1. I contacted Tom on 3rd December 2014.

2. I had contacted Tom before he died.

(It is not appropriate to use Present Perfect Tense, albeit grammatic, to decribe the situation with meaning expression.)

2015-05-16 13:41:52 補充:
Tom 過左身當然唔影響到我曾經聯絡過Tom, 但關鍵是要使用正確的時態去形容實際情況!!

~ I have just contacted Tom.
~ I have already contacted Tom.
~ I have contacted Tom before.
~ I have contacted Tom recently.

All of the above four sentences are grammatical, but not reflecting the real situation (Tom has died) as metioined by you.

2015-05-16 13:47:34 補充:
Tom 還未死,講: Tom is a teacher. (present tense)
Tom 已經死,講: Tom was a teacher. (past tense)

2015-05-16 6:36 am

Given:-Tom died on 3-12-2014.Hence:-
There was no social contact between Tom and me.
I have made no contact in Tom.

2015-05-18 00:05:22 補充:
I haven't made contact with Tom since Dec3,2014.is different from Decwmber and different from Above !
2015-05-16 6:03 am
用 had 即是 past perfect tense 吧。

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