有英文tense 問題想問問

2015-05-15 6:41 pm
我宜家在ABC Department Store 最高個層,我已經行晒整間百貨公司,間公司每層有好多booths。宜家準備落去間百貨公司既最低個層離開。假設我到達間百貨公司既最低個層發覺原先既booths 無晒。咁當我離開左間百貨公司後講"I just
visited ABC Department Store. There were many booths in the department store." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-05-15 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無需要想到咁複雜, 因為曾經有過既野, 就算跟住無左, 都唔會影響"曾經存在" 呢個事實.

不過你用到 just, 就要用 have / had, 所以第一句要改為 I have just visited......

其實轉左彎想一下, 如果你曾經有屋住, 而家間屋爛左, 咁唔通令你曾經住過呢個事實, 突然變得無家可歸??
參考: 自己
2015-05-16 7:37 am
Warning:-You must table an amendment;Do you mean "Pack something up again"?Your composition is very poor. Did you study English Grammar ?
Errors and Corrections:-(Subject:-by the time I left.)
When I was in ABC Dept Store at the highest level,
I have seen the entire Dept. Store.
------>There were many booths on each floor.
When I arrived at the lowest level(=basement) ready to leave,
I saw all the previous booths were gone, by the time I left, (as if by magic).
When I left the Dept. Store, I said:-
------->I have just visited ABC Dept Store
and there were many booths.

Have you seen the problem ?
The problem is "How come the previous booths by the time I left at the basement have gone? (as if by magic)

It is comparable to the problem:-
How come my previous house by the time I left, at Shek Kip Mei Resettlement, has gone? (as if by magic)
2015-05-16 7:04 am
There were many booths at the ABC department but they were gone by the time I left.

I have just visited ABC Department Store and there were many booths.

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