Why do national policies and political parties matter so much to people?

2015-05-15 7:21 am

回答 (6)

2015-05-15 7:40 am
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Because it gives them the comforting illusion that they actually have a say in what happens in the world
2015-05-15 7:56 am
"Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage."
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
2015-05-15 7:44 am
It's OUR country, and OUR Government.
2015-05-15 2:44 pm
Because laws get made as a result of them, and that DOES affect our lives. I shall not bother further as you have objected to every other answer, so it is not worth my time.
2015-05-15 8:33 am
they can mean life and death.
one simple example. the Amtrak crash could have been prevented IF CONGRESS had provided funds. the day after the crash Congress no only refused to pay what is necessary but REDUCED the money available to Amtrak, on the ridiculous assumption that the Eastern Corridor rail system is a a Private company that should make a profit. The "profit" is the benefit to the entire country and economy.
that crash cost hundreds of millions in lost business and economic activity as people could not move up and down the east coast.
2015-05-15 7:57 am
Because humans live in societal groups called NATIONS, and in order for nations to live at peace with each other and within each one, POLITICS is the means by which this is achieved. So we join political parties which reflect our personal views of how our country should be run, which directly affects our every day lives.

Sound good to you?

One difference between conservatives and liberals: Conservatives are guided by TRUTH. Liberals try to GUIDE the Truth.

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:20:20
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