I tried to download iMovie on my mac but it said that it has to be 10.10.2 version or laterr. What other video editing software can I use?

2015-05-14 2:43 pm
I don't want to buy a new laptop. I don't want to spend more than 100.00 for the software. Anything else I can use to edit videos? I am wanting to upload videos on youtube, edit them, make fancy thumbnails, add music, etc. oh my Mac version is 10.7.5

回答 (1)

2015-05-14 3:41 pm
Well, the most logical thing to do is to update to Yosemite. However, depending on how old your Mac is, it may or may not be possible.
Tell us what model Mac you have so it's easier on us to see if you can upgrade.

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