有關大學interview 既問題

2015-05-14 9:59 pm
我係jupas 報左大學既accounting, fashion and textile等等要interview 既subjects啦

但而家係5月, 點解仲未收到通知去interview既?

我有好多同學都in 左喇bo

死啦, 會唔會冇得interview 架? or only 遲d 先有?


另外accounting, fashion and textile[marketing stream] 既interview 佢通常會問d 咩野架?


回答 (4)

2015-05-15 2:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該遟一些才有,我都報了Jupas,擺了bandA&B,都暫時未有通知 如果一些面試是放榜前,應該幾日內有通知 如果一些面試是放榜後,可能再遟一些 而且,同學都不一定會有面試,沒有面試亦不一定沒有入讀機會, 如果再真的沒有面試,可能你要親自打電話問問啦 5月份好像各間大學有課程資訊日,亦有講座,理大就是(16/5) 到時你講座應有提及,可參考 http://www.polyu.edu.hk/as/strategies2015/ 就我所知,理大的accounting會問有關時事問題,是小組討論,用英文交流, 可參考 https://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7015041700012

2015-05-14 18:07:14 補充:

2015-05-14 18:12:33 補充:
亦可參考 http://www.polyu.edu.hk/as/strategies2015/seminar/

若你報了理大,通知面試是透過 Study@polyu網站內的個人帳戶通知

Step 1: Go to Study@PolyU website
Step 2: Click “Apply Now” at the top right-hand corner
Step 3: Login Account Name = JUPAS Application Number
Step 4: Password = HKID card number including alphabets

2015-05-14 20:05:12 補充:

2015-05-27 6:12 am
你有冇check email?

擺係band a band b 都未必會有interview,我都冇 我有登入過去睇
反而band d就有++'' 不過係6月 但唔係我想讀既科... ...不過去面左試先都無妨

所以唔一定5月見 6月都會有.


佢有d話係分個人介紹同小組討論 但我都想知會問乜,所以呢個幫你唔到.sorry~
2015-05-15 7:57 pm
你是否同你同學報是同一科及同一間大學,如果系你應該冇得INTERVIEW,因為正常大學會找約200人面試,當中會再找出一部份有SECOND IN. 但如個你唔系同一科或同一間即可能未收到信.

2015-05-15 3:27 am
Although the criteria for the interview has never been published, the general consensus is only those who are marginal will be invited for an interview, as there is no point to interview those who will be admitted or rejected.

So it may not be a bad idea after all when you don't get interview.

Interview is always about yourself as well as your interest in the program.

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