
2015-05-14 5:47 pm




回答 (3)

2015-05-17 9:39 am
Our current preoccupation with zombies and vampires is easy to explain. They're two sides of the same coin, addressing our fascination with sex, death and food. They're both undead, feeding on us, passing on some kind of plague and they can both be killed with specialist techniques – a stake through the heart or a disembraining. But they seem to have become polarised. Vampires are the undead of choice for girls, and zombies for boys. Vampires are cool, aloof, beautiful, brooding creatures of the night. Typical moody teenage boys, basically. Zombies are dumb, brutal, ugly and mindlessly violent. Which makes them also like typical teenage boys, I suppose.

They're two sides of the same coin, addressing our fascination with sex, death and food.
They're two sides of the same coin./They address our fascination with sex, death and food.(因為主詞相同,又是主動用法,所以分詞構句以Ving呈現。)

They're both undead, feeding on us, passing on some kind of plague and they can both be killed with specialist techniques – a stake through the heart or a disembraining.
They're both undead./They feed on us./They pass on some kind of plague...(因為主詞相同,又是主動用法,所以分詞構句以Ving呈現。)
參考: 自己和BBC的短文
2015-05-15 8:06 am
---------------present participle=overlooking the sea---Seeing the villa-----The past participle=picked from the garden---Taken by surprise---Participle perfect=Having finished the----------
---Please provide me an article containg 3 sentences on Grammar of the Participial and please figure out where it is ! Because for simple sentence I can judge out where it is,but not for participle ! The Internet site or educational only teaches sentence by sentence method,not inside a paragraph method !!!
---As I know "Grammar Participle" in English is a word formed from a verb, ending in --ing(=the present participle) or --ed, --en,etc.(=the past participle).Now as I know Participial is consisting of a participle and other words which is used only adjectivally.As for present participial,my villa was built on a hill (overlooking the yellow sea).It is qualifying the noun "hill".The villa (overlooking the yellow sea) was built on a hill.It is qualifying the noun "villa" (.Seeing the villa), I stopped dreaming of selling it myself !
---As I know past participal means My father brought some flowers (picked from the garden).(Taken by surprise), my mother kissed him ! I knew that a past participle phrase is used to imply the passive voice.
---As I know the perfect participial is most easy.(Having finished the kissing,) my mom was red-faced. (Having picked a thorny rose) from our bush garden, my father was bleeding sharply ! ( Having finished my Participial learning), I claimed 100 marks ! ( Having finished my Compo), I read it again and again.
2015-05-14 8:14 pm

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