
2015-05-14 4:25 pm
The Crown Prince had a number of sisters, and they were all very affectionate. But my position differed from theirs. Since I could not really behave as they did, I tried to emulate Crown Princess Hyosun. There was a big difference in age, but I modeled my behavior upon hers and learned from her. In this way we developed a very special relationship.

世子有很多個姐妹, 她們都非常溫柔親切. 但是我的地位不同於她們. 由於我的行為舉止不能真的像她們所做的一樣, 我試著去仿效孝純妃. 雖然年齡上有很大的差距, 但我以她為榜樣向她學習. 這樣我們發展了一種非常特殊的關係.
(2) 請問

Princess Consort Hyosun
Crown Princess Hyosun

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修辭及訂正錯誤是中文部份. 如果我的翻譯不夠完美或有錯誤, 請幫我修正, 謝謝.


我的英文程度沒有好到可以看懂用英文解釋英文, 可否麻煩您用中文回答? 謝謝.


To s 知識長, 上面(1) 的英文 是 JaHyun Kim Haboush 從一本韓文回憶錄翻譯的, 因為只有韓文及英文版, 所以想要了解中文意思. 中文部份怕翻譯得有錯誤或不夠順暢, 所以需要 修辭及訂正錯誤 英文維基對 JaHyun Kim Haboush 有專文介紹 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JaHyun_Kim_Haboush

回答 (3)

2015-05-14 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 皇太子有很多個姐妹, 而她們都非常溫柔親切. 但是我的地位不同於她們。由於我的行為舉止不能真的完全地像她們所做的一樣, 我試著去仿效孝純妃. 雖然年齡上有很大的差距, 但我仍以她為榜樣,向她學習. 這樣經此,我們發展出一種非常特殊的關係.

princess consort Hyosun(2) Princess consort is an official title or an informal designation normally accorded to the wife of a sovereign prince.

crown princess Hyosun(3) A crown prince or crown princess is the heir apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy. The wife of a crown prince is also titled crown princess.以上兩項頭銜依據維基百科之解釋,是相同的,兩者都可用來稱王子的配偶,但C rown Princess 另可指,已被冊封,戴上王冠的公主。後者有兩種解釋,前者則只可用於王子配偶。princess consort Hyosun(2) Princess consort is an official title or an informal designation normally accorded to the wife of a sovereign prince.
crown princess Hyosun(3) A crown prince or crown princess is the heir apparent to the throne in a royal or imperial monarchy. The wife of a crown prince is also titled crown princess.以上兩項頭銜依據維基百科之解釋,是相同的,兩者都可用來稱王子的配偶,但c rown princess 另可指,已被冊封,戴上王冠的公主。後者有兩種解釋,前者則只可用於王子配偶。
2015-05-14 5:35 pm

通常貴族的稱謂是有一定的形式. 不能隨便給一個稱謂.

2015-05-14 5:00 pm
(2)The explanation:-
Crown Princess---->Crown Prince---->under Queen and King;where King(=ruler)

Princess Consort=spouse to Queen and/or King
Refers to:-other royal figures=members of royalty
=Consort=Her (ruler) or His Royal Highness=eg:-Queen (ruler)---->princess consort.(under Her Royal Highness.)

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