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He works for money 40 hours of the week.
You work for money 25 hours of the week.
Would you say that YOUR work .. both paid AND housework comes to 40 hours a week?
If so, then it is equal.
If you put in more time, then it is not equal.
Both parties should end up having the SAME amount of "free time", in an equal marriage.
However, there is also the issue of WHOSE standards are THE standards.
I liked a neater house than my 1st husband did, and he never lifted a finger to help.
My 2nd husband likes a neater house than I do .. and I have to pay attention to make SURE that I do MY share (we both work 40 hours a week, btw).
You have tried to change him.
He does not want to change.
You cannot make him want to change, except perhaps by leaving him .. and even then, if you FORCE cooperation, it isn't going to last.
The solution is unpleasant, but very simple:
Either he is worth putting up with the inequity or he is not worth it.
Either you accept and relax and just accept that this is the price of having him as your husband ... or you get a divorce.
Because if you keep on getting upset with him, you will alienate both yourself and him too .. and the marriage will end .... slowly, bitterly and painfully. Don't do that to yourself.
Either accept him or leave him.