What is the history or origin of Homosexuality?

2015-05-13 3:29 pm

回答 (20)

2015-05-13 5:44 pm
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Homosexuality is pan- species which means that it exists in other animal species as well as in humans. Read "Biological Exuberance" for details on this. It existed among the primitive proto-humans we evolved from and has always been with us. It is a secondary behaviour, as opposed to the primary behaviour for reproduction;yet, it is a behaviour.
2015-05-13 3:42 pm
What is the history or origin of human beings?
2015-05-13 3:30 pm
Since the dawn of man.
2015-05-13 3:49 pm
Essentually it is the result of human biology as it evolved. Humans do not have effective sex pheromones or instinctive sexual behaviors. The reason for this is that human infants take a long time to become able to support themselves -- way longer than other mammals, so it is more important for human survival for people to form communities that will support long childhoods than to produce babies at the fastest possible rate.
2015-05-13 8:07 pm
well, the bible mentions homosexuality even in genesis. That's why God Destroyed Sodom and Gomorra because people were being too vulgar and not standing by their morals. Also, it says that in other cities where they worshipped other gods, there were rooms inside the temples for people (both genders) to prostitute themselves.
So i guess you can say that it's been around for a long time
參考: the bible, and my knowledge
2015-05-13 5:06 pm
It seems to have been around since before recorded history, although the word "homosexuality" only dates from the late 19th century.
2015-05-14 8:13 pm
Some research suggests that it is an evolved trait that confers reproductive advantage, not on homosexual men but on their close female relatives. It's been found that female relatives of homosexual men may be more likely than other women to have sexual relationships with men (and so more likely to have offspring that carry on the "gay" traits).
2015-05-14 3:50 am
went back to ancient times

'The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln,'' C. A. Tripp contends that Lincoln had a homosexual relationship with the captain of his bodyguards, David V. Derickson, who shared his bed whenever Mary Todd was away

Alexander the Great was supposed to be Bi sexual

It didn't stop the arrests: between 1967 and 2003, 30,000 gay and bisexual men were convicted for behavior that would not have been a crime had their partner been a woman.

Yet in the USA up to 1962 No man was ever Prosecuted for having sex with a 7 year old

“In 1962, the American Law Institute recommended that the legal age of consent to sex- that is, the age below which sex is defined as statutory rape- be dropped in every state to age 10 (Katchadourian and Lund 1972: 439). In fact, until the mid 1960s, the legal age of consent in Delaware was 7 (Kling, 1965: 216). So a 50 year old man could legally have sexual intercourse with a 7 year old boy or girl.”

But was sent to Prison for sleeping with a 21 year old man
2015-05-15 4:19 pm
San Francisco
2015-05-14 9:16 pm
God was born into existence utterly alone. Then he became ultra paranoid and imagined he had an evil twin brother. who liked raspberry pound cake.
2015-05-14 4:55 pm
In the Garden of Edan - It wasnt Adam and Eve - It was Adam and Steve!
2015-05-14 4:21 am
It is as old as Niagara Falls.
參考: own
2015-05-14 2:10 am
Bottom-sex was invented in ancient Israel, in the town of Sodom.
2015-05-13 9:48 pm
dawn of man.
2015-05-14 5:03 am
Judas started it with Peter
2015-05-14 3:16 am
sodom, jews
2015-05-14 8:00 am
Same gender attraction has been around since human
life began.
2015-05-14 4:16 am
History teaches that behaviors such as homosex is a negative practice- it does not balance, like sex with your own son or daughter- the result dispells idiots such as the historic blueblood kings of spain, france and england, etc. On the other eye, how long before the maker off all created woman? Historically, how long were men without an opposite partner? Cannot man love another man without the sex factor as a question? The same for woman? It is wrong for the sacred feminine to have been trashed. What we have been taught is all wrong!
2015-05-14 2:14 am
Late 19th century
2015-05-13 3:32 pm
You were the first one.

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