Help someone?! Am I pregnant?!?

2015-05-13 11:07 am
okay so Friday my bf and I had unprotected sex, it was my first time and I started bleeding a lot. Within an hour and a half I took the Plan B. He didn't have it in long, because it hurt too bad. And my period had just ended, or was almost completely over. I had like very very light blood when I wiped down there before this happened. He also said he didn't *** inside of me, but I know how risky this all is. I lost my virginity when all of this happened. Can I be pregnant?

回答 (4)

2015-05-14 2:56 am
The only way you could be pregnant is if you have a new baby inside your womb. NEXT: Don't start sentences with "ok, so..." as if you know all of us personally and you're talking to us on the telephone. It makes you sound like you're in middle school and if you are going to have a baby, you have an awful lot of maturing to do before you're really ready to be a responsible mother.
2015-05-13 1:43 pm
If you lost your virginity during that... Then that's normal. When you lose your virginity the hymen inside you breaks when the male goes in. That bleeds out is happens to nearly every girl when they lose their virginity. Although he didn't... inside you... It's still best to use contraception. If you're unsure do a test but it's unlikely
2015-05-13 11:47 am
You're not very fertile right after your period, he didn't ejaculate inside you AND you took Plan B...I'd say the chance of you being pregnant is very, very unlikely!
2015-05-13 11:17 am
====> >tips =====>> >

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