Workplace Question: What to do in this situation.?

2015-05-12 9:49 am
A guy asked me out like piece of meat the first day on the job. I turned him down flat. Now he is really angray at me, and has gone around the workplace spreading rumors, that I am hitting on all of the guys there. So now the guys there take my talking to them the wrong way, and have complanied through the grapevine about it. None of this is true. How do I make this problem go away? Or, should I Quit?

回答 (3)

2015-05-12 4:19 pm
I would talk to your boss or the HR manager immediately. that is sexual harassment and it's illegal
2015-05-12 9:58 am
I think you need to raise a formal complaint against this guy before somebody does to you. Get in there first and explain what's happening. If your boss is unsupportive, put it formally in writing. If in uk and you've worked there longer than 2 years, your employment rights should kick in and if you feel bullied out of your job, you can consider tribunal action. Or call ACAS for advice, number on Google. X
2015-05-12 8:54 pm
Contact your manager and explain the situation.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:19:50
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