You can live your dream!

2015-05-12 9:41 am
請問 You can live your dream!

整句如何翻譯? live 做何種解釋?

回答 (5)

2015-05-15 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案


參考: 米糕郎
2015-05-12 7:19 pm
This can be of help:
(Fron TheFreeDictionary)
The term Living The Dream, in general, is considered an expression of elation or is applied after achieving a certain amount of personal success.

2015-05-12 15:39:57 補充:
抱歉typo: "fron" --> from
如知道living the dream之意,那麼live your dream 或live my dream的意思就順理成章了。
2015-05-12 5:49 pm
Thank you very much. I need someone like to to confirm it.

2015-05-12 09:51:16 補充:
Can I say something like this. "Don't live in your dream. Live your dream." Does it make sense?

2015-05-12 09:56:36 補充:
Hi, LionEnglish, 我mail有看到你部分的解答, 不過這邊看不到, 可能是被系統誤刪:
You can live your dream!你可以活出自己的夢想!live 在這裡是及物動詞「度

2015-05-12 09:59:49 補充:
接下來的內容就看不到了. 這裡的違規判讀真的有點怪. 能否請你簡單地在意見欄解析一下, 因為同樣的關鍵字, 可能還是會被系統刪掉, 最好一個意見只放一兩句才能知道是哪一句系統不喜歡.

2015-05-12 11:17:25 補充:
你太客氣了, 事實上我非常喜歡閱讀你不厭其煩地講述基本的觀念, 這些觀念不是隨隨便便在一般文法書上就能看到的. 即使讀了一百篇有99篇是我本來就知道的, 但是光讀到那一篇能夠幫助我進步的就值回票價. 而且同樣的觀念, 你說明起來就特別有系統, 有條理, 那非經過長時間的訓練無法達到.
2015-05-12 11:18 am
live your dream: 活出自己的夢想

2015-05-12 11:04:01 補充:

我本來回答了,但注意到是 Beth 發問,就刪了,只將最主要的半句話寫在意見欄。 你知道我的壞習慣,老希望讓發問人知道來龍去脈,但這樣連篇贅牘的回答對 Beth 這樣的高手,簡直是一種侮辱,所以就立刻刪掉了! 因為跟 Beth 不可「回答」,只能討論。

2015-05-12 11:08:54 補充:
關於意見 003,我想我會說 Live your dream, not in a dream. 或 Live your dream, not just dream it.
2015-05-12 10:03 am

can live=be alive----to remain alive for sometime

can live=type of life----to spend your life in a particular way

can live=be remembered------to continue to exist,be remembered;remain and live in your memory for many years; Your dream have lived with you all your life.

2015-05-12 09:13:44 補充:

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