What is the best way to get from SFO to see the Golden Gate Bridge?

2015-05-12 4:36 am

What is the best way to get from SFO to see the Golden Gate Bridge using public transportation? It would be for foreign tourists whose first language is not English and have a 5 hour layover there so it must be as uncomplicated as possible. I'm assuming Golden Gate Park is the best place to see it but I've never been there, so I'm not sure. Anyone an expert?

回答 (5)

2015-05-13 8:45 pm
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With only 5 hours layover at least 3 hours will be will be needed to get to and from the Bridge. Bart will take a minimum of 30 minutes each way. Cab ride to and from the bridge another 20 minutes each way. Bus service will be longer.

There are several ways to see the GG Bridge in that amount of time
1. take Bart to Powell Street Station and then a cab to and from the bridge. Bart is $8.50 each way Cab from Powell Street to the bridge and back will run in the neighborhood of $35 plus tip.

2. If they just want to see the bridge I'd suggest Bart to Powell and Market. Walk two blocks east to Market and third. Take a 30 Stockton bus to the Marina, walk to the Marina Green for a great view of the Bridge and then grab lunch along Chestnut Street before heading back to SFO.

3 Another option would be BART to the Embarcadro and then the Presidi-go shuttle to the Bridge and back. Depending on time of day the shuttle may be no charge

4. See the Bridge from the Water! Take Bart to Powell Street, catch a F line trolley car to Fisherman's wharf and then do a bay cruise with the Red & White Fleet. This will give them a good overview of the city while they see the bridge
參考: SF Tour guide and resident.
2015-05-13 6:14 am
You could take BART to the Daly City bart station, and then from there take the 28 muni bus all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. Time-wise, though it might not be very efficient, especially if it's during rush hour. I've never taken the 28 for the entire route before but it's a very busy route and it stops at almost every stop.
2015-05-12 6:38 pm
Do you mean the airport? You could take an airport shuttle van to the Marina district where the bridge is on the S.F. side.
2015-05-12 3:51 pm
Uber, Lyft or taxi
2015-05-12 4:38 am
Take highway 101 which turns to this other freeway that has construction material.

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