Agree or disagree: Tattoos on people are ugly?

2015-05-11 11:25 am
Art is meant to be on paper, not the body.

Don't get me wrong, I think it depends on the tattoo on if it looks good or not. I don't Like big tattoos that take over a large proportion of the body, nor when someone gets so many to the point where they look like a tacky coloring book, looks so uncomfortable. Small tattoos I like though.

回答 (12)

2015-05-11 11:35 am
i have a small one seen the series 'Tattoo Nightmares' well some of the AFTER ones they do on people are actually far worse than their original mistakes in my opinion.....really terrible..and yet the people always 'seem' really happy with them...
2015-05-11 11:28 am
Tattoos on men, for me at least sort of imply a criminal record.
On women, up until a certain age are they sort of sexy.

2015-05-11 11:31 am
Disagree i love tattoos big and small
2015-05-11 11:27 am
Some are, small ones are nice but I don't like the huge ones like sleeves. Too many looks bad as well.
2015-05-11 6:27 pm
I disagree. I love tattoos. Of course, it depends on what the tattoos are, how big they are, where they are on the body, and how covered they are overall, but in general I really like them.
2015-05-11 11:33 am
Completely disagree.
I think tatoos are beautiful and increadibly sexually appealing, especially when they are on a person who's good looking anyway.
2015-05-11 11:27 am
2015-05-11 11:26 am
Disagree,some people look cool with tattoo`s.
2015-05-11 11:31 am
Agree - most people regret them.
2015-05-11 11:27 am
Agree, those tattoos look horrible when your skin starts to age.
2016-03-08 4:32 pm
I completely agree. I don't just agree - that is a fact. Beauty is subjective. Media (and now modeling industry) decides what kind of face and body features are pretty. 10 years ago, skinny people were seeing ugly, all supermodels had curves (e.g. Cindy Crawford). In 50s, women were wearing over 6 size.
2015-05-11 11:46 am
t( - - t) tatoozz r cool

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