What is difference between paradise lost9(John milton) and the Bible?

2015-05-09 7:33 pm
What is difference between paradise lost9(John milton) and the Bible?

Is there any difference?
I'll be waiting for answer.

回答 (8)

2015-05-09 7:45 pm
Miltons work is a work of fiction presented in epic poetry inspired by Genesis 1-3.
The Bible is a collection of books, letters, poetry, wisdom, and prophecies representing some 40 authors and 1500 years of religiously inspired works.
2015-05-09 7:33 pm
One is a work of fiction ....oh! wait they both are.
2015-05-09 7:39 pm
Lots of differences. Milton's story is basically a fictionalized account of the fall of 'Lucifer' the archangel and is told from his point of view. Most of what Christians think about Satan comes from the writing of Milton.
2015-05-09 7:41 pm
Milton's Paradise Lost was written centuries after the bible.
2015-05-09 7:35 pm
I'm coming now.
2015-05-09 7:34 pm
Fantasy versus reality in that order
2015-05-09 7:42 pm
paradise lost explains satans feelings
2015-05-09 7:35 pm
I doubt they've read it

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