
2015-05-09 4:56 pm



回答 (4)

2015-05-10 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1)Wish to wake me up every day is not an alarm clock, but my dream.

(2)Wish to wake my fair lady up every day is not an alarm clock, but a dream come true.
2015-05-18 7:01 pm
Hope that wakes me up every day is not the alarm clock, but dreams.

Wish that the thing wakes you up every day is your dream, not the alarm.

參考: 網路+自己 如有錯誤懇請指教
2015-05-09 8:30 pm
夢想是不會準時, 鬧鐘才會 ! 有時鬧鐘也不會.

2015-05-09 12:43:35 補充:
I don't know the exact meaning of your question that you want, but I offer you an ironic one:

Hopefully, what wakes you up is the donkey's carrot, not the alarm (clock).

2015-05-09 12:43:49 補充:
I have such a translation is because the "dream" you mention seems to have both reward and punishment.
2015-05-09 5:54 pm

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