
2015-05-09 3:34 pm
Using Phrenology for analyzing the personality hidden in any of us, scientists were able to see deep inside ourselves.



To LionEnglish: 再請問一下 把它看成是省略關係代名詞the personality which is hidden in any of us 這裡的hidden就是p.p了嗎?

回答 (2)

2015-05-09 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Adverbial clauses may be reduced by changing them into a participial phrase containing a gerund:-
The participial phrase containing a gerund is:-
=Using Phrenology hidden,

The main clause is:-
=scientists (s) were (v) to see ourselves(o)
= (s) + (v) + (o)

hide---hid---hidden =past participial used only adjectivally to qualify "phrenology" word as a noun

Why two verbs?-----were is the verb. "hidden" is the participial/+infinitive/+gerund/ classified according to function as/of a verb;Not a verb.

"phrenology"=the judging of a person's character,etc from an examination of the shape of his skull.
2015-05-09 4:14 pm
Using Phrenology for analyzing the personality hidden in any of us, scientists were able to see deep inside ourselves.

這個句子其實只有一個動詞,因為只有一個子句,就是逗點後面的 scientists were able to see deep inside ourselves.

前面 Using Phrenology for analyzing the personality 稱為「分詞構句」,就是把一個主詞也是 scientists 的子句用分詞簡化,這樣就可以不必使用像 As 或 When 的連接詞。

至於 hidden in any of us 是形容詞片語,修飾前面的名詞 personality,意思是「潛藏在我們任何人心中的」個性,hidden 在這裡不是動詞,是形容詞表示「潛藏看不見的」或是「隱藏不為人知的」。

這種名詞後面有形容詞片語的句型很多,特別是現在分詞片語、過去分詞片語都能這樣用,你若是不習慣,可以把它看成是省略關係代名詞 which is,也就是 the personality which is hidden in any of us,意思還是一樣的。

2015-05-10 00:31:52 補充:
hidden 是 hide 的 p.p.,不過 hidden 也是形容詞。

p.p. 和 形容詞最大的不同在於 p.p. 還是有動作的感覺,強調的是「被動」,而形容詞就沒有那麼強的「被隱藏」的感覺,只表示「不為人知」、「看不見的」。

本句的 hidden 是在講 personality,「個性」並不是「被」我們藏起來,所以在這裡被動意味不大,即使是看成 which is hidden,hidden 仍然是形容詞,本來 be 動詞後面就能接形容詞。 不過由於是 is hidden,有些人確實會理解為「被隱藏」,彷彿我們每人都有一隱藏個性,所以寫作時, which is 是不必要的。

2015-05-10 00:47:48 補充:

不過由於是 is hidden,有些人確實會理解為「被隱藏」,彷彿我們每人都有一個故意隱藏的個性,所以寫作時, which is 是不必要的。

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