Why people is different from the others animals?

2015-05-09 4:51 am

回答 (11)

2015-05-09 4:59 am
Well, we can type. I suppose that's something.
2015-05-09 4:52 am
For the same reason that turtles are different from giraffes.
2015-05-09 5:03 am
Think hard and ask yourself this question. Are we different than other animals? Yes we are but only due to the fact that we are more able to form complex words and use our digits, which allows us to record what we do. From that, our ability to create better tools have greatly enhanced our species. We are so intelligent that we powered ourselves off this planet and set foot upon the moon. We have made complex lasers, x-ray machines, chemicals, materials, weapons, you name it. But there are other animals that possess higher intelligence in specific areas. However, these areas of intelligence are more instinctual via Darwins theory of evelution. With humans, a lot of our intelligence is taught, pushed, and formed into many different schools of thought.
2015-05-09 4:52 am
It's called diversity.
2015-05-09 6:08 am
The same way a horse is different from birds.
2015-05-09 5:24 am
Animals have intelligence and the ability to learn from them but confined by instinct.

Say ducks, they breed they teach predators food source mainly they die

there is no such thing as human babies growing to be Tarzan in reality

They need their parents more then any other animal
2015-05-09 5:08 am
we can't lick our elbows.....
2015-05-09 5:15 am
Animals don't have to fulfill spiritual needs. We do.
2015-05-09 4:53 am
We aren't afraid of fire. That's the difference that made the difference.
2015-05-09 5:08 am
Why? Because that is the way God created us and them.

Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long. (Psalm 25:4-5)

MARANATHA! Come, Lord Jesus, COME!
2015-05-09 4:57 am
Don't you know?

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