Is this person a jerk and selfish?

2015-05-09 12:19 am
So I hired some one to do a job for me (not cheap), they were the most affordable in the area I knew. The job was to get me ahead with business.

Despite they were terrible with communication, it all went ahead.

They took three weeks to deliver and I didn't feel they delivered the right quality of work.

I faced rejection when trying to get ahead with business which was down to their work not being up to the standard.

I spoke with them seeking some advice and they just completely ignored my cry for help.

I feel like they just wanted my money and ran with it. They couldn't care less about helping me and did a poor job. Am I right in thinking this?

回答 (2)

2015-05-09 2:15 am
the old saying is " you get what you pay for" which you have learned !! unless you had a written contract for the services to be performed, all you can do is chalk this up as a learning experience and move on
2015-05-09 12:28 am
"not cheap and most affordable" You got what you paid for.

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