Have you ever been in Italy?

2015-05-08 9:56 pm

回答 (7)

2015-05-09 1:58 am
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參考: I am italian.
2015-05-08 10:36 pm
Several times on holidays. Camping around Sicily, Catania and Syracuse. near Naples, Pozzuoli, Viareggio, anywhere the trains would take us.
2015-05-10 8:40 am
Yes...was in Udine, loved the scents, the hairdressers, the tastes, the hospitality, the beauty and the flair.
2015-05-08 10:27 pm
Yes, several times.
2015-05-08 9:58 pm
Yes. I haved lived in Italy for 3 years. I was living there when the twin towers collapsed (9/11)
2015-05-08 10:25 pm
Its shitty and everyone is so short
2015-05-08 9:59 pm

But a bit of Italy has been in me ;)
參考: Neither of those things have happened actually

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