I'm really thin but my belly is huge I am eating clean what is the problem.?

2015-05-08 9:29 am
I'm really skinny, I eat clean and workout. I have my desired thigh gap and stuff but no matter how much I exercise my belly is still really really really huge and it looks like I'm 10 pounds heavier than I actually am. If you saw the top of me you would expect abs but if you only see my belly you could guess that I am obese. I really need help. :(. HELP!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2015-05-08 10:35 am
Would you expect that putting on a nice pair of shoes would make your hair look well-styled ?

Your belly bulges because it is untrained. Training effects are SPECIFIC, so leaving your 'core' untrained is always going to let this part of your body bulge and sag.

Michele is wrong; the purpose of training is to select a bodypart and improve it. You can even train several bodyparts, and select which ones will improve the fastest.

But she is also RIGHT about the usefulness of Pilates.

A Pilates class will teach you how to 'target' your belly and train it into the shape you want.
2015-05-08 9:38 am
Ok first off. When you see your belly is it only when you are sitting down or standing up? If you only see your belly when sitting down. This is normal. Even they skinniest model girls have bellies when they sit down. It's how us humans are with leftover skin flapping over. However if you have a belly when standing up then that means you could try losing weight.

Weight doesn't just lose at a certain place because you want it to. When you lose weight it shed severely where proportionately. You could try eating lean and add more protien and attempt to do more strengthening exercises to gain some muscle for abs. Try Pilates it's a great way to slim down and gain muscle. Try blogilates on YouTube. This girl got ever thing u want to shed off.
參考: Fat girl!!

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