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Hyphens (-) are used to link words and parts of words.
It’s important to use hyphens in compound numbers from twenty-one (21) through ninety-nine (99).
Leaving them out can make the meaning ambiguous.
For example
twenty-one dollars.二十一元
"twenty one dollars" could equally refer to twenty one-dollar bills.
容易誤解二十張一元鈔票 (美元)
2015-05-09 08:16:57 補充:
yip****** :
你第一,第二, 第三點問非所答
發問者問 英文數量為何要用 hyphen?
不是問怎樣寫支票, 可用寫支票作例子.
你第一點應該是 compound nouns, 不是 compound words
第二點無例子怎樣變? ~ 名詞-其他字 = 字(adj)
謝謝知足常樂 ( 知識長 )給例子
英老師以前教寫支票 $21.00 最好寫 "Twernty-one dollars only ----"
打字機打 **** , 代替 one long dash
2015-05-09 09:18:40 補充:
For the number 38
It is in your best interests to write "thirty-eight" instead of "thirty eight".
就算寫支票, 寫 "thirty-eight", 應該無人敢話你寫錯