
2015-05-07 9:34 pm
lol, sorry I was too busy lately. Hope you can read English, cuz I cannot type in Chinese sometimes.

1) Some guys are just nice to girls in general. Don't think too much. Business is business. If he really wants more, he will let you know. They always do.

2) I don't know about that one. I am too stupid to make guesses. If they really like me, they have to tell me clearly, else everybody is just friends.

My world is black and white. I don't like to waste my time to think too much about what other guys think, cuz I got too much to do.

Thank you too for your support!


回答 (1)

2015-05-07 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 有些男生本來就會對女生好一點,別想太多,公事公辦。如果他真的還想要更多(談戀愛),他會讓你知道的。他們都這樣的。

2) 那一點我也不清楚,我不敢亂猜。如果他們真的喜歡我,他們應該要清楚地告訴我,否則大家仍只是朋友。


參考: 自己

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