how long does an opened bag of pasta last?

2015-05-06 8:15 am
I have a bag of whole wheat pasta and im not really sure when I opened it, is there a certain time frame in which I can eat it? I opened it a month to 2 montgs ago

回答 (6)

2015-05-06 2:34 pm
As long as its stored in a cool and dry place, it can last for months and months and months.
You'll know when pasta goes bad, trust me.
2015-05-06 11:49 am
Take a sniff. Does the pasta smell old? If not, its fine to eat.
Dry foods don't spoil like you are thinking unless they get wet and moldy.
2015-05-06 9:12 am
It will be fine. I buy huge bags of pasta, and it lasts 6 months or more.
2015-05-06 8:23 am
till its moldy or gets bugs in it
2015-05-06 8:28 am
provided it's kept dry wholewheat pasta will last indefinitely, no time frame.
2015-05-06 8:17 am
not long

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