bno 入境英國 (business trip)

2015-05-07 4:45 am
遲d 要business trip 去uk, 想問下:

1.用bno 使唔使visa
4.入境要準備d 咩文件比海關?

回答 (2)

2015-05-07 1:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1.用bno 使唔使visa

>> 可見以下LINK:


>> 落機過immigration 既話, 會有2條隊, 一條係eu passport, 一條係other passport, 你要去other passport 果度.


>> 唔會, 因為你係黎business trip. 通常會問幾樣野: 1) 你黎做咩? 2)黎幾耐? 3) 住邊? 當然, 如果你話你係黎business trip 既話, 佢係有可能要睇証明既 (上次有個朋友既朋友佢話黎business trip, 但因為show 唔到証明, 所以唔俾入)

4.入境要準備d 咩文件比海關?

>> 回程既機票, 酒店既booking (如有). 公司出trip 既supporting document (in case 佢真係challenge 你而你冇得俾佢睇).

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2015-05-07 4:42 pm
1. It depends on the purpose of your trip. Usually, BN(O) Passport holders do not require a visa for trips solely for business meetings, conference, etc.

2. There is 2 lines - "EU/UK Passports" and "Other Passports".

In theory, you should go to the EU/UK Passports. In practice, the U.K. Border Force does not recognize BN(O) Passport is a U.K. Passport. You will be eventually kicked to "Other Passports".

A landing card will be required.

3. Information about your trip.

4. You should prepare all relevant document regarding the trip, although the U.K. Border Force rarely inspects the document.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 20:12:49
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