問問有關英文tense 問題想問問

2015-05-06 3:30 pm
我係2014年1月5日收到Mary 封信,我宜家唔之我封信是否係屋企個度,唔知有無丟到封信,我宜家講"I have received Mary's letter." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-05-06 9:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
都可以, 不過我會用 "had", 因為已經係2014 年1月既事, 以及都唔係你手
參考: 自己
2015-05-14 11:10 am
應該係講I have received Mary's letter
因為以前received左, 到e+仲keep住, 表達"已經"收到左

係講I received Mary's letter
因為只係用好短時間receive, 同pp tense就會變成收到e+都仲收緊, 邊有人收信收成年咁耐

參考: Cambridge Grammar Book
2015-05-07 10:01 am

Since 1 1/2 yrs ago, You don't have to use The present perfect,The past perfect, but the simple Past.
It began and completed in the past without any connection with the present.Note you didn't have to worry whether letter was thrown away or not.
eg;-not had, but got
Hence eg:-I got Mary's letter Jan5,2014.
No problem if you use the simple past.

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