Why are we not blaming the organization in texas for allowing these drawings to happen?

2015-05-05 3:03 pm
All I've been hearing is a bunch of "freedom of speech" and " we have a right to do what we want in the US" but this is all crap.

Let me put it this way, if that organization had a contest on drawing jesus inappropriately and then 2 extremist christians walk in trying to shoot up the place, would we still have the same reaction?

Would we really have called it a terrorist attack if they were christians that were offended at a drawing of jesus?

Don't get me wrong, I don't commend these 2 lunatics for what they did, I'm just saying I think theres blame on both sides here.

回答 (14)

2015-05-05 3:04 pm
That is right, let some idiots dictate what the majority wish to do because of some threats.

Are you out of your mind?


2015-05-05 3:53 pm
1) If it had been a Jesus cartoon event, there would have been no Christians extremists outside with guns. You must not be an American.

2) In America, freedom of speech protects what they did, no matter how mean it was. (and it was mean)

3) It is not the responsibility of the cartoonists to avoid behaviors that will set off a terrorist, any more than it is the responsibility of a woman to dress conservatively because men don't want to control their own violent urges and rapist fantasies
2015-05-06 2:39 pm
YOUR entire Party IS blaming the organization.
Organizations HAVE had contests on drawing Jesus inappropriately - knowing with total certainty that it's TOTALLY SAFE to do so - that NOT doing it would yield the exact same odds of being attacked.
YOUR Party calls "terrorist attack" when someone simply EXPRESSES a pro-America and/or pro-Christian OPINION.
NO ONE gets you wrong. You don't COMMEND the violence, exactly; you just think people should be forced to obey the aggressors' will. How CAN anyone misunderstand what you very clearly SAID?
2015-05-06 1:16 pm
You are saying no more freedom of speech, I is our first amendment. So lets just throw that one out of the constitution. So next time protesters protest aginst my second amentment rights I should be able to shoot them? They would be offending me, where due you draw the line. My second amendment rights are as important to me as someones religous beleves. My guns are my gods.
2015-05-05 9:43 pm
So we are to bow to Mekka and never ever say a bad word about Muslims because they might get offended and when they get offended they start shooting or cutting off heads. Try blaming those overly sensitive fools, not the people putting on that exhibition. Freedom of speech means you can say things that offend without having to worry about getting shot.
2015-05-05 9:02 pm
If Christians tried to shoot up some place that was showing artwork that they found offensive then, yes, it would have been a terrorist attack (not that I can picture Christians actually doing that but let's assume it for the sake of argument).

Free speech, if it means anything, includes the right to say (and draw) things that others find offensive. I'm sorry that you don't believe in free speech; but that doesn't change my support for it.
2015-05-05 3:21 pm
we should
it's completely foolish to think anything good will come out of drawing pictures
Support the armed forces is you want to stop terrorism
2015-05-05 3:09 pm
I know how to start world war 3 but I don't want to do it. Freedom of speech but keep it clean people. But this is a good tactic to use on isis in the middle east to draw them out of their cover.
2015-05-06 8:48 pm
you do not get this notion of freedom do you ?
when the film, The Last Temptation of Christ was out, Christians where protesting but they did not shoot any one
people should be free to draw what they like with out the fear of attacks
personally I would not insult someone's religion but, I agree that others have the right to do so
2015-05-06 4:44 pm
Who, me? I never said they should draw cartoons. But inciting extremist terrorism by a cartoon? What if you had the cojones to draw a cartoon of my family and my family were to get upset at you? Are you saying it's OK whatever my family does to you? Show me an honest, righteous, well-meaning, humble person who goes around and terrorizes. Fortunately, my family is these things. But what if they decided to **** *** because you drew a cartoon? Sh**.
2015-05-05 10:36 pm
They cut off heads an burn people alive an some want the drawing to stop how messed up is that logic.
2015-05-06 9:06 am
My thoughts entirely. Did the organisers get a bill for the increased police presence provided?
2015-05-05 3:08 pm
Some folks think it's quite joyous to dangle carrots in front of a horse's mouth but good people who may worship differently than how other folks do are NOT horses. They are Americans!
2015-05-05 3:07 pm
I agree with you.

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