
2015-05-06 1:56 am
A係今日下午五點死亡,B係今日下午五點半死亡,我宜家用"B and A has died." 黎形容有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-05-06 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
無問題, 除非你想講明邊個先往生.

否則, 呢的過左去既事, 你講1000 年內既人都死左, 都可以用過去式.
參考: 自己
2015-05-14 8:44 am
Compound nouns are are words which have been created by combining two nouns which are related to each other.
e.g. dressmaker, fashion magazine, waste-bin

Duncan , 相信你是講 compound subjects.

2015-05-14 00:59:29 補充:
三個 回答者 wan, TOMING88 , 翠瑩 都是錯
怎會是 No problem

subject - verb agreement 出了問題, 用 have, 不是 has

B and A died this afternoon.
2015-05-07 12:26 am
No problem ,unless you want to explain who was the first to die.
Otherwise it's left for you telling people who died first,can be in past participle (die, died, died) It is the past perfect tense.When two actions happened in the past one after another, we use the past perfect tense for the first action;(pres.p dyeing is an action for coloring matter in solution.)
The past perfect:-
After A had died 17:00, B died 17;30.
Before B died 17:30, A had died 17:00.
Note the use of "after" and "before" in examples A and B !

Also , you can say

A was died at five o ' clock , but B was died at half past six
參考: Own Exprience
2015-05-06 9:16 am
compound noun uses plural verb................

You "and" the likes of you "have" died.
2015-05-06 5:36 am

No problem ,unless you want to explain who was the first to die.
Otherwise it's left for you telling people who died first,can be in past participle (die, died, died) It is the past perfect tense.When two actions happened in the past one after another, we use the past perfect tense for the first action;(pres.p dyeing is an action for coloring matter in solution.)
The past perfect:-
After A had died 17:00, B died 17;30.
Before B died 17:30, A had died 17:00.
Note the use of "after" and "before" in examples A and B !

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