
2015-05-05 5:56 pm
Oracle数据库用户权限的分配是借助于数据库内部的用户和密码. 也就是说, 在每次连接数据库时, 不是借助于操作系统的用户的密码, 而是用数据库自己提供的用户和密码. 即使你进入操作系统, 没有数据库密码你照样进不去Oracle数据库.

不同权限的用户可以完成不同的数据库操作, 比如数据库的启动与关闭就必须是DBA才可以.

数据库的用户和密码信息在默认情况下是存储在数据字典中的, 但是在大型数据库系统中, 一般情况是将用户密码信息以加密的形式存储在单独的密码文件中, 保存在操作系统的其它地方, 受操作系统的保护.

将密码单独存放在密码文件中的另一个好处是远端装有客户机的机器上不用连接telnet而只通过SQL*Plus而对Oracle数据库进行一切操作, 包括启动, 操作这样的操作.

回答 (1)

2015-05-05 9:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oracle database user rights assignment by means of an internal database of users and passwords. In other words, each time you connect to the database, not by means of the operating system user's password, but with the user and password database to provide their own. Even if you enter the operating system, not the database password you can still get in Oracle databases.

Different user permissions can perform different database operations, such as startup and shutdown of the database must be DBA can.

User and password information in the database by default is stored in the data dictionary, but in a large database system, in general, are other user password information in an encrypted form of the password stored in a separate file, saved in the operating system place, protected by the operating system.

Another benefit of the password stored in the password file alone is not connected to the remote telnet client machines equipped but only through SQL * Plus and Oracle databases for all operations, including start-up, operation of such operations.

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