申請加拿大 STUDY VISA,到底要不要同時申請TRV?

2015-05-05 5:33 pm
申請加拿大的STUDY VISA ( 到 QECBEC 的) , 在網上提交VISA 申請時, 它要求我再申請TRV (Temp. Residence Visa),可是我在CIC 網上又用過check eligibility 功能,又顯示香港國藉的人不用申請TRV,那到底要還是不要呢? 用HKSAR 護照能代替TRV 嗎?

另外它叫我交Schedule 1 ,到底什麼是Schedule 1?

希望能得到解答, 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2015-05-05 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You definitely need a TRV.

Canada only issues 2 kinds of visa - TRV and PRV (Permanent Resident Visa). Canada does not issue any other specialty visas (such as work visa or student visa). For students, Canada issues TRV with a study permit to establish your student status in Canada.

So in order to study in Canada, you will need to apply for TRV. Once you arrive at Vancouver or Toronto (first port of entry), CBSA will issue your study permit.

The website is correct to the extend that a stay no longer than 6 months.

2. See here:


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