Is he flirting, or just being a jerk?

2015-05-04 7:19 pm
I have this guy friend who use to be nice to me (he was nice about two years ago.)
last year he started being a jerk to me. He would slap me across the face (not real hard but enough to sometimes leave a handprint.)
This year he is still mean to me, but more verbally than physically.
We almost never get along due to him being rude.
Whenever someone asks if we are dating he always says, " I would never date her. She isn't really pretty.."
He said I was pretty without makeup once, but that was because I was messing around with face paint.

Anyways, back to the question. Is this his way of flirting or is he just being a jerk??

回答 (4)

2015-05-04 7:26 pm
He's harassing you. Jerk he is. Tell him to get lost
2015-05-04 7:24 pm
Well being a complete douchebag will always gain the attention of a female because the female wants a sexual relationship but he has to be the lead of the relation ship as the female is not very good on leadership skills and demands such a large amount. Thus the douchebag approach nullifies her prissy needy behavior. THUS EXPLAINING WHY NICE GUYS FINISH LAST!!!
參考: proffessor of Bill O Reilly
2015-05-04 7:24 pm
This is not flirting, this is contempt. How can you even ask this question? He's obviously broadcasting ill-will and unpleasantness.

If I had to guess, you are hoping that someone else will confirm your hope that this fellow is actually into you.

He's not.

But even if he was - so what? You can do better than a face-slapping, trash-talking creep.
2015-05-04 7:21 pm
He's being a jerk. Never EVER think that verbal and physical assault is an acceptable way of flirting. Stay away from him or confront the heck out of him.

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