
2015-05-05 5:00 am
I've put on two kilograms in the last month.

呢句文法係咪錯?in the last month 是過去,但 I've put... 是現在,係咪應該改成a 或 b 先啱?

a. I've put on two kilograms since the last month.

b. I'd put on two kilograms in the last month.

回答 (4)

2015-05-05 5:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
對,現在進行式,由過去開始至現在,所以答案應該是 a.

不過,應該刪去 "the".

=> I've put on two kilograms since last month.
2015-05-06 8:50 pm
點解只得a啱? I'd put on two kilograms in the last month. 有咩錯?
2015-05-05 2:44 pm
FM 的句子對

"I've put on two kilograms since last month. "
不是稱"現在進行式", 是"現在完成式"

You can ignore 回答者 002, 許多錯

"since last month = in the last month" ?? ~ 不是一樣

"Do not" change the sentence is correct. ~ 這句錯
main verb 是 change 還是 is ?

2015-05-06 19:35:35 補充:
要知道 past perfect tense 通常地表達過去某一個時間點以前發生的動作
(過去的過去), 用在某句以前發生的動作, 列明兩件事發生先後次序

When we arrived at the railway station last night, the train HAD LEFT.

I HAD FINISHED my homework before lunch yesterday.

2015-05-06 19:57:22 補充:
since last month
用"現在完成式", 由過去上個月(April) 開始至現在(今天 2015-05-06)
Present perfect 是連接現在

in the last month 純是過去, 不包括今個月 (May)
用 in 與 since 之別
2015-05-05 10:16 am

Re:- put, put, put,
The present perfect tense:-it denotes present results of past actions;
"since" and" for" are used;
If since last month=for the last month=in the last month;
then , as asked before, and have the experience:-
"Do not" change the sentence is correct.

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