
2015-05-05 4:59 am
She came up with new ideas. 轉被動式係咪 New ideas were come up with by her. ?

回答 (5)

2015-05-05 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
She came up with new ideas. 轉被動式?

"come with up" is a phrasal verb and no passive voice is allowed.

No 被動式 for this sentence.

2015-05-07 11:32:20 補充:
Thank you very much, Godfrey.

2015-05-07 12:28:49 補充:
I admit my wording is confusing.

What I meant was [ "come up with" is a phrasal verb, which no passive voice is allowed as mentioned in the dictionary (Oxford). ]
2015-05-06 8:47 pm
New ideas came up by her. 咁講又得唔得?
2015-05-05 11:59 pm
She came up with new ideas.

New ideas were come up by her. (WITH IS DELETED)

I bought a birthday cake yesterday.

A birthday cake was bought by me yesterday.
2015-05-05 10:02 am
Re:come, came, come.
The double passive means active;
eg:-New ideas are coming (up with which to be) actively formed by her.
2015-05-05 8:49 am
No offence

不是全部 phrasal verbs 不能 passive
It depends on the verb ~ transitive or intransitive
come 在這句是 intransitive verb, 不能有 object, 所以不能轉被動式
不是因為是 phrasal verb

run over 是 phrasal verb
The dog was run over by a car, ~ passive

"come 'up with sth [no passive]" ~ from 牛津字典

2015-05-05 00:56:16 補充:
小心有些 verbs 可做 transitive verb 或 intransitive verb
要看 verb 的 meaning 和在句子中怎樣使用而定
If you are not sure, look it up from a good dictionary.

相信 "come with up" 是 typo error

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:05:11
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