
2015-05-05 2:35 am
let's have apple pies.還是let's have apple pie.?爲什麼?

let's have some apple pies還是let's have some apple pie.?爲什麼?

she's worried about her dogs.和she worries about her dogs.一樣嗎?


which dog is Lucky?(which可以用what代替嗎?)

餅乾這種可數名詞可用a...of cookie這種用法嗎?(cookie要s嗎?)

fish 要用how many還是how much?還是兩個都可以?

want +V-ing有這樣嗎?爲什麼?

in need of和need一樣嗎?爲什麼?

假如要問的東西一個可數一個不可數要用how many還是how much?


回答 (3)

2015-05-05 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
let's have apple pies.還是let's have apple pie.?爲什麼?
pie 是可數名詞, 所以前者對.

let's have some apple pies還是let's have some apple pie.?爲什麼?
some 可修飾可數或是不可數名詞, 前後者皆正確,

she's worried about her dogs.和she worries about her dogs.一樣嗎?
意思差不多. (前者是她的狀態, 後者是她的動作)

Don't worry about the money. 加 the 的原因是通常你會這麼說, 只指某一筆支出. 當然, 不特定某一筆錢也可不加 the.

which dog is Lucky?(which可以用what代替嗎?)

餅乾這種可數名詞可用a...of cookie這種用法嗎?(cookie要s嗎?)
你的...是什麼? 可以用 a lot of cookies.

fish 要用how many還是how much?還是兩個都可以?
要看情況. How many fish(es) do you want? 你要幾條魚? How much fish do you want? 你的魚要多少份量?
want +V-ing有這樣嗎?爲什麼?
口語還滿常見的, want 後面的Ving是動名詞, 當名詞用. 不過我不確定考試這樣寫會不會被扣分. 如果你有其他選擇, 建議先選 want + to V.

in need of和need一樣嗎?爲什麼?
意思差不多, 但是不可替換, 因為一個是動詞, 一個不是.
I need money.
I am in need of money.
假如要問的東西一個可數一個不可數要用how many還是how much?
請舉例. 我看到句子才知道怎麼講, 沒在背這種規則的.
2015-05-05 6:52 pm
how many與how much要分開:
例:I'm not sure how many cards and how much time are required.

2015-05-05 11:03:22 補充:
a xxx of cookie(單數)是可以的,但xxx不可以是單位(tin, box, plate,...)。
例:a flavor of cookie; a smell of cookie
Wendy is open to suggestions on flavors of cookies. Contact Wendy if you
would like a flavor of cookie not listed.

2015-05-05 11:08:07 補充:
2015-05-05 12:44 pm
How much=不可數
how many=可數

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